Warehouse SEGRO Industrial Park Tychy 1

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Existing warehouse space
55 700 sqm
Minimum unit
1 500 sqm
Available fromNow

Technical data of the warehouse

BuildingSpaceStatusHeightColumn gridFloor loadLEDSprinklersCertificateFire protectionMonitoring
Budynek A16 000 sqmIstniejący10 m12 m x 22.5 m5 T/sqmNoYes-YesYes
Budynek B18 300 sqmIstniejący10 m12 m x 22.5 m5 T/sqmNoYes-YesYes
Budynek C21 400 sqmIstniejący10 m12 m x 22.5 m5 T/sqmNoYes-YesYes


Warehouses for lease - SEGRO Industrial Park Tychy 1

SEGRO Industrial Park Tychy 1 is located within the Katowice Special Economic Zone (Subzone Tychy), 6 km from the city center and near the national road No. 1. Park comprises three buildings offering over 55,000 sqm of total space.

Jakub Kurek
Head of Industrial and Warehouse Department


Górny Śląsk, Tychy, Strefowa 27

All data is submitted solely for information purposes and does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 (Journal of Laws of 1964, no. 16, item 93, as amended).

Jakub Kurek
Head of Industrial and Warehouse Department