Panattoni Park S7 Warsaw North (Czosnów)

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Existing warehouse space
21 100 sqm
Minimum unit
1 200 sqm
Available fromOd zaraz

Technical data of the warehouse

BuildingWysokośćColumn gridFloor loadingStatusFire protectionSprinklersRail sidingMonitoring
110 m22.5 m x 12 m5 T/sqmIstniejącyTakTakNieTak


It consists of a modern warehouse hall with a total area of ​​approx. 21,000 sqm. m2.
Panattoni's logistics center is optimally adapted to the warehousing requirements of customers from various industries. Panattoni Park S7 Warsaw North (Czosnów) is located on the S7 route and near the Błonie Junction.

Michał Kozar
Associate Director
Michał Kozar
Associate Director